This is a manadatory part of almost every modular campues is a canteen. For large scale objects, whose infrastructure apart from numerous dormitories also includes other types of buildings (i.e. administrative office, first-aid-post), it is expedient to install a standalone modular canteen located separately from other premises.
For dining it is necessary want to create a spacious interior space, where it would be possible for 100-200 persons to accommodate comfortably for breakfast or dinner. That is why our company usually offers such canteen plans, where 3 cabins a intalled along the building width - this makes it possible to create a dining space of 18 meters width. This dimension ensures that people will not face any discomfort during eating and provides additional gains for the investor. Due to larger width it is possible to optimize the canteen internal space more efficiently in comparison to the option when 2 cabins are installed along the building width.
Types of modular canteens
- Block-container canteens may vary significantly depending on the needs. For instance, simpler and cheaper modifications do not feature cooking facilities and assume only food consumption. For such buildings the pre-cooked food is delivered from the outside, and the staff is responsible only for its distribution.
- We may also construct a full cycle canteen, where all processes related to food cooking take place, starting from foodstuffs delivery and storage and ending with the meals preparation, distribution and consumption. This solutions is optimal for large modular campuses with capacity 500+ persons.
- According to our experience, in most cases customer choose something between the two aforementioned possibilities. Normally frozen or chilled ready meal (hot dogs, burgers, dumplings etc) is supplied to this type of canteens and its fast cooking required afterwards. This limitation allows to save some money, since for such needs the kitchen area can be reduced and also part of the equipment can be simplified or even omitted.
Regardless of the chosen option our modular canteen fully comply with sanitary and epidemiological rules SP, mandatory for fulfillment for this type of buildings.