Construction site headquarters - the heart of any building project, where the contruction site managers facilities are located: construction chiefs, designers, performing supervision, superintendents, foremen, representatives of technical supervision and others. Pre-fabricated construction site headquarters, consisting of standard SMS-M cabins allows to accommodate comfortably all these people and provides them everything they need for efficient work on the site..
Flexibility in the choice of building plan allows one to create premises aimed to solve a variety of tasks on the site. Normally, the site headquarters building consistes of:
- cabinets for construction personnel;
- a dressing room;
- a meeting room;
- a canteen;
- WCs;
- utility rooms;
- a living room.
Advantages of the modular construction site headquarters
A significant advantage of concurrency modular headquarters building, in addition to a low cost and a high speed of construction, is the possibility of dismantling the building and transfering it to a new location. Thus, once invested in the acquisition of the building, the developer significantly reduces his expenses in the future.
Specifications headquarters building on the basis of block-containers
- the frame is made of bended sheet metal 3 mm thick;
- the trapezoidal sheet metal of our own production is used as a roofing material;
- walls - sandwich-panels thickness from 80mm (the thickness is chosen in accordance to the region climate conditions);
- interioir finishing — MDF and PVC panels, gypsum plasterboard etc;
- PVC windows;
- entrance doors - metall, insulated; interior doors — veneered, laminated, PVC;
- flooring — linoleum, laminate, tile etc.
Штаб строительства с 4-хскатной кровлей
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январь 2011